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There’s no longer any doubt that if a business wants to stay competitive and relevant in today’s world, it needs to invest in social media marketing.

But choosing the right platform(s) is just the beginning and can be difficult because there are so many of them out there. However, knowing the most popular ones in terms of monthly active users – like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Pinterest – is definitely a great start.

There are many benefits in using social media for business, but you need to have specific goals before you even start the social media marketing campaign so can you choose the platform(s) that best suits you.

The nature of your business

What is the nature of your business? Is it a B2C (business to consumer) or a B2B (business to business) company?

For a B2C company, it’s important to be visible (recognized), appealing, and interactive with consumers. For this, Facebook and Instagram can be of great help.

And on the other hand, for a B2B company, LinkedIn helps you target and communicate with current and potential future clients.

Also, since visual content is extremely popular and important in online marketing efforts, everyone should consider using YouTube.

Target audience and client demographics

Knowing your core target audience is quintessential for your social media marketing strategy, and Google search or Facebook and Instagram can help you with that. You should spend time researching and getting to know and understand your audience and their needs and habits.

Also, research about your customers’ demographics: are they young or old, female or male? These pieces of information will help you figure out which platforms to use based on your target audience.


Your top competitors’ online presence should be of interest. Research them and follow everything they do and post online.Check out their audience’s engagement on posts and see which platform works the best for them before trying it yourself.


Since different social media platforms work better with different types of content, it’s vital that you decide which type of content you will be creating, whether it’s photographs, videos, blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, webinars, live streams, podcasts, and/or user-generated content. (Pro tip: it should be the one that works best with your brand, industry and target audience.) Whatever you choose, make it awesome, engaging, and pleasing for the audience.

Social media is an indispensable tool when you’re trying to build brand awareness, generate new leads, and reach out to people worldwide. When trying to choose the right social media platform for your business, you will have to concentrate on achieving the goals that you’ve set in your marketing strategy, understand your audience, and create appealing content. Each social network has its advantages and disadvantages, and depending on your business and target audience, you should know which social network offers the most beneficial features for you.

Feeling overwhelmed with all of the social media options? Fortunately, Venerate Media Group can help! We have all the tools you need to achieve the marketing goals your company has set. Feel free to contact us today and our experienced marketers will explain everything you need to know to help your brand have a social life. Call today at +1 (888) 486-4130!
