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Does your brand know what SEO is? Well, Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting the most number of visitors to your website. How is this done? By getting your website to appear high on the search list of any search engine, but in reality it means Google. This is one of the basic functions of any social media service because it is how your business will gain awareness. So, is your social media service fulfilling its basic requirement? Here are three tips on how to achieve better rankings.

1. Optimize for Humans
One of the most important things for social media services is to predict what people will search for. So, that means searches have to be geared towards what the target audience would type into Google, not buzzwords. By finding out a specific keyword phrase, you can find your audience and capture them. Thereby directing them to your website and in turn raising awareness of your brand. Just remember, think like a human. What would you Google to find your product if you were just an ordinary consumer.

2. Quality Content
Quality content still reigns supreme. It’s not enough just being ranked on top; you have to have the content to back it up. Producing great quality that is helpful and captivating is the pathway to success. It will help you build a following, become a trusted voice, and help you build up your brand’s reputation. Only then will you see your brand find success using social media.

3. Always Adapt
SEO, algorithms, and social media – they are always changing, so your business has to as well. What worked a year ago for Google searches is outdated now. Therefore, check your SEO strategy constantly. See what works and what doesn’t, and then tailor future SEO strategy to experience and adaptability. This also means that you need to be aware of the changes so that your brand can either get ahead of the curve or adapt in time.

Following these three steps will help your brand become an expert on SEO. Interested in stepping up your social media presence? Get a free quote from us today!
