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Video transcription

Hi Socialites!

My name’s Kelsey! Welcome to Social in 60 seconds.

Today’s episode is about personalized marketing, and how it’s expected to take off in 2020.

Personalization uses consumer data to your advantage and shows individualised offers, product suggestions, and other content to your visitors based on their previous purchases, demographics, or any other personal data.

Surveys show that…

91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who provide relevant offers and recommendations

70% of millennials are willing to let retailers track their browsing and shopping behaviors in exchange for a better shopping experience

89% of digital businesses are investing in personalization, including Coca-Cola, Fabletics, Netflix, and Sephora

If you’re unsure whether or not you’ve been personally marketed, think about Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign, Netflix’s top recommendations of movies to watch, or being shown similar products based solely on your purchasing history on Amazon.

Need some ways to personalize your marketing?

  1. Use geolocation so you can show your consumers the right products, the right language, and the closest stores
  2. Engage them with polls and quizzes so you can narrow down specifics on what they’re looking for
  3. Interact on social media. Like their comments, thank them for their feedback, and respond to keep them engaged and on your sites

And if you want to stay current and trendy on all things digital, please make sure to stay social with us by clicking on the subscribe button. And, as always, make sure your brand has a social life. Bye, guys!
