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Market Your Business On TwitterTwitter Success

Twitter is one of the best social media platforms for businesses because it gives them the opportunity to build your brand awareness and influence. It’s fast-paced, user-friendly, and fun. What’s more, it’s a great platform to start and join conversations all over the world. 

Let’s find out which strategies you can use to experience success on Twitter.

Optimized profile

In order for your profile to be optimized, it needs to be complete: you need to have a profile picture, header, and biography. A complete profile – and powerful content – will be crucial in obtaining followers.

Your Twitter profile also has to be searchable which can be achieved by using keywords in your biography. The more searchable your profile, the easier it will be for your target audience to find you. 

Lastly, if you’re hoping to generate more traffic to your website using Twitter, you need to make sure your bio is strong. While searchable hashtags and keywords are important, links to your website with your latest products, services, and content will be most effective here. 

Consistent tweeting

Tweet consistently to stay active with your audience, whether it’s providing industry news, tips, or statistics. You can also get creative on Twitter and use live videos, GIFs, and polls to stay engaged with your customers. 


Engaging with others – leaving comments on other people’s feeds, liking their posts, retweeting their tweets, joining existing chats, or following trending topics related to your industry – is one of the most valuable things you can do to build your brand on Twitter (and other social media platforms, too).

And if there are no suitable chats related to your industry, be an innovator and start one yourself!

Twitter lists

Another useful feature on Twitter are Twitter lists, which allow you to make lists and groups of people you follow (or don’t follow) based on any topic you want. The lists – which can be private or public – can help your brand and your Twitter following. For example, if you make a list of employees or event attendees, they will be notified that they’re on the list, simultaneously making them feel special and informing them of your brand. 

Lists also help you find relevant content since only tweets from the members on the list are shown.

Visuals and videos

Because everyone appreciates visual content – and it’s all the rage on social platforms in 2020 – use it to your advantage on Twitter. But don’t be sloppy when it comes to visuals. Make sure all of the images you use are sized correctly and that they have a consistent look.

And start sharing quality videos, too, since they have an enormous reach across all social media channels.

Twitter analytics

Keeping track of your Twitter analytics is crucial and should be a regular task. Not only does it provide important information about your followers, engagement, retweets, and rates, but it also allows you to analyze and evaluate past posts (what worked, what didn’t) so you can post more effectively in the future. 

If you start implementing all of these strategies – optimized profile, consistent tweeting, engagement, Twitter lists, visuals and videos, and Twitter analytics – you should see exponential growth on your brand’s Twitter account.

And if you need a specific strategy for any of your social media accounts, feel free to contact our experts at Venerate Media Group. VMG members are trained and ready for action! Call today at +1 (888) 486-4130.
